Court Clean sheets Alberto Del Rio On Ex-fiancee Paige's Sexual Assault Claims

Former WWE Superstar Alberto Del Rio was recently involved in sexual assault charges by his ex-fiancee, Paige which was dropped and the case was closed. The superstar had held a press conference in Mexico city to discuss about the investigation on 20 December where he claimed that the case was closed due to him being innocent.

Alberto Del Rio and Paige dated in 2016 and 2017. Paige had claimed that Del Rio used to keep her locked in a room for hours on end, and beat her up every couple of minutes. However, the statements of Alberto Del Rio said that Paige was the one who physically abused him and had evidence to prove the same. He stated that he has the power to get her fired from her job in a matter of seconds if she insists to talk about him.

He said, “If I wanted in my hands I have the power to take Paige out of her job in two seconds. I can bring out one of her videos of domestic violence and she would not go back to work. I don’t have any interest in that. I continue to thank God that Paige broke the confidentiality agreement that we had. Today I am the one who can expose her and show the world who she is if she messes with me.”

His statement continued, “I want my life in peace. I don’t want anything about me on the internet, I don’t want anyone talking. Paige can stay calm and no one will see your videos kicking my face and neck. That stays forgotten if you don’t talk about me.”

He also addressed his comeback in wrestling saying that he’d be working in one of the three biggest US wrestling companies in 2022.

Alberto Del Rio Sexual Assault Case

The Mexican wrestler Alberto Del Rio was charged with one count of aggravated kidnapping and four counts of sexual assault and was arrested back in May 2020. But the charges were dropped by the unnamed woman in November last year and his ex-fiancee, Paige also dropped the charges of sexual assault and said that Alberto was not involved in any kidnapping incident.

Alberto himself said in an interview how his legal team is doing fantastic job to prove him innocent and said, “Everybody talks about the five years to life in prison. That sounds horrible, but why does nobody say, ‘Or he’s going to be proven innocent.’ I have already said it. She has already withdrawn her charges. He has already talked to the DA’s office and told them the truth. She apologized and gave us a public apology and everything. Everything people need to know is out there.”

“I share a lot of stuff in the past but unfortunately, I can’t talk about it. What was supposed to be over last week got delayed because somebody got upset and I understand it. Me being me, a high-profile case. It’s difficult. As I said in my previous interviews, call me whatever, but I didn’t do any of those things.”

Net Worth Of Alberto Del Rio

Alberto El Patron aka Alberto Del Rio has an estimated net worth of $6 million. He graduated from Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi with a degree in graduation. He was trained by Leonel Kolesni and Juan Fernandez in Greco-Roman wrestling.

He is also known as the son of luchador Dos Caras and has worked in both of Mexico’s main wrestling promotions. He has worked for ROH, Lucha Underground, AAA and Impact Wrestling. His finishing move is called the Cross Armbreaker and was drafted from Smack Down to Raw on the April 25, 2011. He is called by many ring names such as Alberto Banderas, Alberto Del Rio, Dorado, Dos Caras, Jr, El Dorado and El Hijo de Dos Caros.

Alberto Del Rio defeated Rey Mysterio on his first night in WWE and had placed himself at the top of the card in WWE and gradually won the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships with great matches.

The former WWE star, Alberto Del Rio first signed with WWE in 2009 and left the company in 2014 and had feud with WWE Superstars like John Cena, CM Punk, and Edge. He then returned to WWE for about a year in 2015. During his return, he beat John Cena to capture the United States Championship.