Sword Art Online: Alicization – War of The Underworld 2nd Season Episode 3: "Instigation" ("Sendō")

Directed by: Takehiro Miura

Written by: Munemasa Nakamoto

Plot And Overall Review

Sinon discovers Alice grieving over Bercoulli's death and informs her she was here to help her and Bercoulli from dark lord Vecta. However, she laments by saying that she didn't make it in time and apologized to Alice.

Alice asks Sinon how the battle was faring, to which Sinon replied Asuna and the rest of the forces were holding up the rest of the enemy players at bay. Alice said she would join the fight, but Sinon informs her to make haste to the World's End Altar. Sinon gives info to Alice if she touched the crystal panel on the altar; she should hear the voices of the people.

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Sinon also discloses that if a real-world dweller dies in the UW, he will not die in the real world. She proclaims Vecta can't die no matter how many times he was killed and will be back with another avatar. She assured her to stay behind and delay Vecta upon his resurrection.

As Bercoulli's body starts to fade away, Alice musters her courage and head upon her destination.

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In the interim, Sheyta and Iskahn continue their battle against the enemies where Sheyta reminisces what her purpose of wielding a sword was for. Finally, she realizes that her sword was meant to protect someone important to her and discloses that it was Iskahn.

As they mow down the enemies, they were tripled with exhaustion. After a brief discussion, both of them proclaimed their recently discovered love for one another before being overpowered by the American players.

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Asuna and the others were astonished when Vassago returned, utilizing his PoH character. He started to amass an enormous force of players comprising mainly of Korean and Chinese members. He stated to the amassed players that the Japanese players were hacking them, noting the test players were all demolished by them.

Vassago deceived them into believing that the Japanese players were the genuine intruders and instructed the players to protect their servers and test players. Afterward, the amassed forces began to charge at them.

Meanwhile, Asuna began to worry after seeing their numbers. She mustered her courage to fight to the end and leaped into the battlefield but went over her capacity and coughed blood. Klein and Agil disclosed she should rest and leave the rest of the fighting to them.

In the real world, Miller likewise logs back in UW by utilizing his Subtilizer character, before a stunned Sinon. When she faces him, he made her immobilize and tremble in fear.

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At the Ocean Turtle, Rath's plot of distraction was going smoothly, and Higa was preparing to hack into the primary control space to reestablish Kirito's Fluctlight. Suddenly, Yanai compromises him at gunpoint not to do so.

This episode of SAO Alicization Part 2? gets an overall rating of 9.2 out of 10. What do you think about this episode and our rating? Let us know at our email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For more episodes reviews, check SAO Alicization Part 2 Review.