"Eating meat is a choice, not a necessity. If you are comfortable eating meat, why don't you devour a dog?"

The one above and a few others have been the primary arguments of anyone supporting veganism. But, first of all, do vegans eat all the species of plants that are available on earth? 

"Hey, that strange plant grew outside my window, overnight. Why don't I have it for dinner?" Probably, no vegans have ever said that. 

Talking about necessity, there are only a few things that human beings need to survive. Others are simply a luxury. If it's not a cold region, the human might not even need clothes.

Will that justify if people start walking around naked?

Vegans Use Baseless Data To Demonize People

To answer the question "Why no sane person supports veganism?" one must be well aware of their activities. 

One thing vegans are good at is taking incomplete data and using them to demonize the meat lovers. 

They often show videos of some animals getting slaughtered and tell us what a monster we are to eat those poor bastards. Then, they try to hold us responsible for the murder of those innocent animals. 

Well, they were bred to be eaten. Why are you creating such a fuss?

Vegans protest people's rights to choose their foods (©: metro.co.uk)

Vegans even make us explore the animals' perspective, asking questions like: "What if you were in its place?" or "How would you feel if you were the one getting slaughtered?" 

To be honest, I'd rather be dead than live as a chicken or a ham. At least, I will fill someone's belly and contribute to the greater good.

Forcing Ideas Of Veganism Upon Others

Vegans are infamous for forcing their ideas of a plant-based diet on others, which is also why they are mainly criticized.

They are known to cross any boundary when it comes to saving the lives of those "innocent animals." It can involve anything from insulting another human being to even shutting down his/her business; thus, taking away his/her livelihood.

What If The Vegan Movement Succeeds?

If, by any chance, the vegan movement succeeds and the vegans successfully take down all the slaughterhouses and meat businesses, can anyone imagine how many people will lose their employment and what kind of impact will it have on the economy? 

With leverage on the vegans' side, let's imagine the economy doesn't crumble, and many of those unemployed people do get a replacement job. 

And, let's suppose the lettuce lovers even succeeded in turning the whole population vegan, then what? 

Well, the earth's entire population will be competing for limited plant-based food. The world's agricultural output will not double rapidly just because people stopped eating meat. 

With no one to kill them, the number of cattle and other animals will also grow. The already decreasing forests and green lands will further reduce, thus directly helping global warming. 

But, all can be prevented with one simple act: eating meat. So, enjoy your hamburger because the planet needs to live.

In conclusion, the vegan movement is no different than the so-called animal rights movement initiated by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). 

While PETA is infamous for euthanizing animals under their shelter, vegans are known for forcing their plant-based diets even on their omnivorous pets like cats and dogs. 

A wise man said that vegans who try veganism as a marketing scheme (not all vegans) are nothing more than people trying to take out their frustration on others. Their hatred for others is far more than their love for the animal's life.