Duane Chapman Wedding

Duane Chapman is an American television personality, bounty hunter, and a former bail bondsman. He is best known for starring in Dog the Bounty Hunter and Dog and Beth: On the Hunt.

Moreover, Duane has tied the knot with about five women to date. Then again, he seems to be quite active for marrying the sixth one anytime soon. Know more about him here!

Duane Chapman Reveals Upcoming Wedding Date

The bounty hunter Daune Chapman, also known as “Dog,” will soon be tying the knot for the sixth time in his lifetime, which he says to be his last.

Dog, who was most recently married to his wife Beth from 2006 to her death in 2019 after battling cancer, moved on from it to have a relationship with Francie Frane. Though the fans were quite shocked about his new relationship and subsequent engagement with the wedding date approaching on, it seemed quite reasonable as for humane morale, which he claims.

During an appearance in the podcast Two Guys from Hollywood, Chapman told the two radio personalities, Alan Nevins and Joey Santo, that they were invited to his marriage. He revealed of already picking out the venue and anything necessary to exchange his vows with his fiancé on “Sept. 2”.

It has not been long since the bounty hunter opened up about his relationship with Francie. He proposed to her 10 months after Beth’s death. At the same time, he talked about the newfound relationship he revealed both of them to have had a similar experience in their love life. He said that Francie also lost her husband a year before Beth’s passing. This made his morality act up as he read “Bible – Genesis – and found out how Adam got Eve,” where he recalled reading a part saying that God doesn’t want a man “to be alone.”

EXPLORE: All About Dog The Bounty Hunter's Fiancé Francie Frane; Are They Looking Forward To Getting Married?

Well, he is seemingly quite happy after his union with Francie as they share some common things, so it might be a good thing for Duane to get together with her.

Duane Chapman Dating Life With Francie Frane

Duane Chapman revealed his relationship with Francie Frane to the public following their engagement in March 2020 by sharing pictures with her. And, the Dog’s daughters, Lyssa Chapman and Rainy Robinson, also have provided Dunae with the approval of his new relationship.

The pair were first linked after Dog asked Francie’s late husband Bob to work at his house in Colorado; at the time, they both still had their significant others with them. Then they later hooked up after their significant others passed away. At first, they talked over the phone and were grieving partners for each other, which eventually sparked a new romance between them.

The happy couple talked about their love story during the 2020’s interview on Entertainment Tonight. After they both learned about the fact that they had lost their significant others, Chapman asked France out on a date, to which France responded if only they could “go to church.” The visit to the church saw them with their new romance, to which Duane said there “couldn’t have been a better pick than God picked” for him.

And over numerous conversations they have had, they never stop grieving over their lost loved ones as they move on to comfort themselves. But their relationship was not without criticism over the internet. Of course, some would not like what Duane had been doing. It’s like some contradictions to his own words.

Nevertheless, one of his daughters stepped in to defend her father’s newfound romance. Bonnie Chapman addressed the criticisms via her Instagram account, writing,

“Everyone who’s judging my father should sure pray that they never have to lose their loved one and get judged for trying to fill the void. Your opinion is invalid. My mother would’ve wanted him to be happy. Now please shut up and let my dad live in peace.”

But it’s not like Duane didn’t love his late wife; in fact, he still loves her very much. Duane announced via Twitter that he had lost his wife, Beth Chapman, from Stage 4 lung cancer at age 51 on 26 June 2019.

A few weeks later, he had an interview with Entertainment Tonight that even though the pair knew that Beth’s end was coming near, Duane was “never prepared” for the consequences.

“You can’t prepare. There is no way. I did not know this was going to happen that day… There is not another Beth. There’ll never be another Beth. There ain’t a girl built like another Beth.”

Whilst on an interview, he also recalled the last moment with his late wife when she was rushed to the hospital. His wife asked him to “let me go,” but unable to make a quick decision, he was finally set on approving his wife’s last request. However, he could not do so as “she couldn’t breathe” even to hear his response and “I called the ambulance.”